
Root Canal Before and After? All You Want to Know!

“Does root canal therapy hurt?” “Do you want to kill nerves?” “Can I fill my teeth without wearing a crown?”
Root canal therapy is not as terrible as we imagine. It is just a diagnosis and treatment project to protect the health of teeth.
Now let’s talk about “root canal therapy” and look at the photos of root canal before and after!

What is Root Canal?

Root Canal Before and After
What is Root Canal

root canal is a dental procedure used to remove infected or damaged tissue from inside a tooth. The tissue, called the pulp, is located in the center of the tooth and contains nerves and blood vessels that help keep the tooth alive. 

When the pulp becomes infected or damaged, it can cause pain and potentially lead to an abscess (a pocket of pus) if left untreated.

During a root canal, the infected or damaged tissue is removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. 

It helps to eliminate the pain and prevent the infection from spreading. The procedure is typically performed by an endodontist, a dentist who specializes in the treatment of the pulp and nerves inside the teeth.

Root canals are a common procedure and are typically successful in relieving pain and saving the tooth. 

Why do you need a Root Canal?

Why do you need a Root Canal

Root canal therapy is used to treat infected or severely decayed teeth. This process gets its name from the area of the tooth affected – the root canal is the space inside the tooth that contains the tooth’s pulp and nerve.

When decay has spread to the nerve or the area is infected, a root canal is usually the best option to protect the tooth and end any oral pain. Your dentist will achieve this by removing dead or dying tissue and eliminating the bacteria.

Signs of tooth infection can include the following:

• Swollen gums
• Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
• Pain when chewing
• Pus pockets around the tooth
• Oral or facial vomiting
• Discolored tooth
• Bump on the gums

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please contact your dentist to diagnose your teeth. The cavity or infected teeth will cause more problems and increase the pain you face.

Root Canal Before and After:What is the Procedure?

Step #1 Take X-ray film before operation

Root Canal X-ray
Root Canal X-ray

X-ray films should be taken before root canal therapy to help diagnose and understand the location of pulp chambers, the number and shape of root canals.

Step #2 Uncover the medullary cavity

Uncover the medullary cavity
Uncover the medullary cavity

Remove the putrescence and original fillings, and uncover the top as soon as possible, so as to see the entire anatomical structure of the pulp floor for smooth follow-up treatment.

Step #3 Determine the working length of root canal

It is better to determine the working length of root canal, determine the degree of root canal by using parallel X-ray projection method and measuring instrument of working length of root canal.

Step #4 Root canal flushing and disinfection

Root canal flushing and disinfection
Root canal flushing and disinfection

The defective dental nerves will rot and ferment inside the teeth, causing serious infection and pain.

Therefore, we need to kill the dental nerve, and then clean it with the necrotic tissue to eliminate inflammation.

Step #5 Root canal filling

Root canal filling
Root canal filling

Seal the whole root canal system, block the main root canal and lateral accessory root canal outlets, and prevent the leakage of microorganisms and liquids.

No matter the lateral or vertical compression method, the root canal should be filled tightly, and there should be no root canal cavity on the X-ray film after root canal filling, nor should it exceed the apical aperture.

Step #6 Root canal piling

Root canal piling
Root canal piling

Because of too many tooth defects, the strength of the teeth (the ability to bear the force) decreases significantly, and the teeth cannot bear the chewing force well.

The purpose of piling is to increase the strength of root and crown, and to increase the stability of affected teeth.

Step #7 Complete dental restoration

Complete dental restoration

The X-ray film showed that the root canal was completely filled, the temporary or permanent tooth body was repaired, and the crown was put on to protect the affected teeth.

At this point, root canal therapy can be considered as completed. At the same time, a follow-up visit is required after root canal therapy, and the general cycle can be 3 months, half a year, 1 year, 2 years or more.

Pro Tips: Root canal therapy is the most effective way to treat pulp disease and periapical disease, and also the best way to preserve the affected teeth.

And everyone must go to a regular professional hospital and dental clinic for root canal therapy, so as to truly ensure the safety of medical treatment.

Treatment Effect: Dead Tooth Root Canal Before And After!

Before the root canal procedure, the affected tooth may be causing pain or discomfort, and it may be visibly damaged or discolored. The tooth may also be sensitive to temperature changes or pressure.

During the root canal procedure, the dentist or endodontist will numb the area around the tooth to minimize any discomfort.

They will then make an opening in the top of the tooth and remove the infected or damaged pulp from inside the tooth.

The inside of the tooth is then cleaned and shaped to prepare it for filling. A rubber-like material called gutta-percha is used to fill the inside of the tooth, and the opening in the tooth is sealed with a filling material or a crown.

After the root canal procedure, the tooth may be sore for a few days. The dentist will provide instructions on how to care for the tooth and manage any discomfort. It is important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure the best possible outcome.

Root Canal Before And After Photos

Root Canal Before And After
Root Canal Before And After
Root Canal Before And After
Root Canal Before And After
Root Canal Before And After
Root Canal Before And After
Root Canal Before And After
Root Canal Before And After
Root Canal Before And After
Root Canal Before And After
Root Canal Before And After